our vision

We exist to exalt Jesus by being a Gospel-Centered, Worship-Driven, Disciple-Making community.

our method

Our method is to equip the people of God to be the church of God. We believe that the church body is stunted when 20% of the people are doing 80% of the work of the church.

Our Vision Summarizes Our Method.


(Romans 1:16-17)

Sojourn Updateed PictureWe are gospel-centered because the gospel stands at the center of God’s plan to redeem fallen humanity, and in it we see Him most clearly for who He is and what He has done. Because of it’s significance in the life of the New Testament church, we never graduate from or outgrow the gospel. It is the very work of God for salvation from beginning to end. Therefore, we want believers to find their identity in what was done for them in Jesus’ death and resurrection and not what they do or how our culture tells them to define themselves. Our justification before the almighty God has everything to do with the finished work of Jesus and our faith in that act. It is through our faith in Jesus that rebellious humans are born again and are therefore blameless and holy in God’s eyes. The transforming power of the gospel enables us to live lives that reflect the character and nature of God as we live in authentic community with one another.


(Matthews 22:37; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 1:16-18; Colossians 3:1-17; 1 Peter 4:11)

As humans we are all worshipers. Everything we do, say, and think is in a response to ascribing value to something. Because worship is related to every area of our lives, we want believers to be fueled with a deep internal passion for Jesus that supersedes every other affection. Being worship driven does not mean more gatherings of worship. In the New Testament there is an indifference to outward forms of worship, yet at the same time a radical intensification of the magnification and exaltation of Jesus from an inward, spiritual expression that has no bounds and pervades all of life. When a believer gains the chief joy of a Christian which is Jesus himself, they gain a precious treasure, to the measure that this treasure is cherished in their lives, is to that measure that they become a worship driven community. Worship driven has everything to do with living lives in response to who Jesus is and what He has done for us. As our view of Jesus expands within our hearts by faith our satisfaction of Him will intensify. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him (John Piper). Worship of Jesus unleashes the people of God to walk out the mission of God in making disciples.


(2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Matthew 28:18-20)

In the most famous excerpt in the scriptures on discipleship, Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus issues the Great Commission to the Church. As followers of Jesus, we are sent into the world, not to hide within the four walls of the church but to be disciple makers in a lost and fallen world. We want to see born-again believers grow in confidence of the power of the indwelling Spirit, the simplicity of the Gospel, and trusting in God’s part in causing growth in unbelievers.

In missional living God has established our feet in the areas that we live, work, and play. We are then called to live intentionally as missionaries within these spheres by building relationships and showing the love of Jesus with our lives, as well as sharing the truth of Jesus with our words.

In missional outreach we intentionally involve ourselves to reach out and love on those who are in need physically and spiritually, in local areas as well as internationally. We desire to see the gospel impact all kinds of people.

We believe that the power of the gospel is for both those who have attended church for years, and for those who would never dream of stepping into a church building. In both cases, we desire for the gospel to impact people from all walks of life, through disciples who are sent out because of their love for Jesus as missionaries into the places that they live, work and play.