Awakening Defined
Awakening is the impact that the revived church has on society. It usually sees a large number of converts added into the Kingdom in a short period of time, and as a result, a reformation of culture begins to take place.
Mission Statement
We exist to contend for an Awakening beginning in Woodstock that will lead to community transformation through the gospel of Jesus, the power of the Spirit and the love of God demonstrated through His people.
Core Values
Every relationship is ultimately a matter of the heart, and our relationship with God is no different. God wants us to trust Him with our hearts and enter into a relationship with Him. It is the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus, that makes this relationship a possibility. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins and opened the door for us to have a heart-to-heart connection with Father God. At AWAKENING, we value this heart-to-heart connection with God. Our intent is to assist in this connection through worship, the Word and the presence of God in our services and through various outreaches in the city of Woodstock and abroad.
Mark 12:30
••• Life
The Christian life was never meant to be lived out in isolation, but is founded in our relationship with God through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Since God values life-giving relationship through His Son, we believe that we are to walk out our faith in relationship with God and with other believers. At AWAKENING, we feel the best way to live out our Christian walk is to do so in the context of life-giving relationships that offer strength, edification, and encouragement right where we are in our lives. We feel this is best accomplished through our Life Group Ministry, where smaller groups of people can meet in homes, become real about their relationships with God, and minister to each others needs through the power of the Holy Spirit.
John 10:10, Acts 2:42
As we grow in our walk with Christ and in our relationships with others we begin to reach a maturity in our faith. This maturity requires a response from each believer, and that response is to live out our purpose in everyday life in order to expand the Kingdom of God here on earth. We believe that each person has a Kingdom mandate on their life to make the realities of Heaven the realities here on earth. We value releasing disciples of Jesus into supernatural ministry in both the city of Woodstock and to the ends of the earth so that believers can live out their divine purpose.